Lemon & Mint

Lemon & Mint


We use the highest quality ingredients and where possible organic, all our oils and butters are sourced sustainably, we colour our soaps with natural clays, use 100% pure essential oils and top the soaps with botanicals. Our soap bars are all palm oil free, natural and vegan, each bars weighs ~115g / 4oz we wrap our soaps in labels made from compostable wild flower seeded paper, which when removed can be planted, and wild flowers will grow from you seeds in the paper.

Coconut oil, avocado oil, Shea butter, olive oil, castor oil, French green clay, lemon essential oil, spearmint essential oil

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Surprise me Soap

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Geranium & Rosemary

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Lemongrass & Geranium

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Espresso Scrub

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Cacao & Spearmint
